www.moinat.ch Come and see our permantant exposition at Route de Lausanne 2 - ROLLE Moinat Antiquit�s SA La Maison Moinat, fond�e en 1920, collectionne un tr�s vaste choix de meubles et d�objets d'antiquit�s. Nous cr�ons et r�alisons �galement des am�nagements d�int�rieurs personnalis�s complets. Bienvenue sur www.Moinat.ch Moinat Antiques SA The family business MOINAT SA, established In 1920, has a collection of a large varied choice of furniture and objects to satisfy the highest expectations. We also create and make personalised interiors. This catalogue presents a selection of our collection which contains a large varied choice of furniture and objects to satisfy the highest expectations.A family business MOINAT SA was established In 1920 by Louis Moinat and his wife. Upholster and decorator, he developed the business through the years and in 1950 built the existing buildings. In 1964, his two sons Jean and Emile took over the company, spec