www.crownrelo.com The Crown Worldwide Story begins in 1965. A young American named Jim Thompson (then residing in Japan), recognized the need for a reputable international moving service. With only US$1,000 in his bank account, he established a small company in Yokohama. In its formative years, Transport Services International (as it was then known) had only one office. The company soon prospered through hard work and a focus on quality service. 1970 saw its expansion into Hong Kong when success continued and thereafter into Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asia Pacific locations. In 1975, Transport Services International became Crown Pacific, and by the early '80s was established as the leading mover in Asia. The increase in mobility of the global population saw further growth for the company, and offices were established across America and Australasia, as well as in Europe. The expansion was accompanied by a new name, reflecting the company's geograp