www.carina-morcote.ch , Carina Carlton , 6922Morcote.
Auf unserer See-Terrasse nehmen Sie die landschaftliche Sch�nheit des Tessins bewu�t wahr, w�hrend wir Sie mit unserer hervorragenden K�che verw�hnen.
Unsere individuell eingerichteten Suiten und Zimmer sind sehr komfortabel und haben eine wundersch�ne Aussicht auf den Lago di Lugano und die umgebenden Berge, beziehungsweise auf unseren romantischen Garten und die Kirche Santa Maria del Sasso. Die Zimmer verf�gen teilweise �ber... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.moevenpick.com ,Mövenpick Hôtel& Casino Genève , 6513 Monte Carasso.
Enjoying ...
With ice cool, aromatic and seductive delicacies from the kitchen or cellar, we offer our guests and customers a chance to brighten up everyday life by enjoying a little affordable luxury. Our recipes combine familiar and harmonic tastes with fresh elements to create an extraordinary gourmet experience for at home, on the move or on holiday.
Treats ...
With surprising attention to detail, we spoil our guests with every gesture. Our products and the... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.hotelminusio.ch, Minusio ,6648 Minusio.
Prix sp�ciaux pour le printemps 2007 jusqu�� la fin Juin
�xclus les f�tes de P�ques, Ascension et Pentec�te.
Vous restez 5 jours et ne payez que 4, 1 jour gratuit !
H�tel, motel, pensione:
albergo garni Fam. Martinoni Barmettler
24 chambres avec douche/WC ou bain/WC
grand balcon orient� sud avec vue sur le lac, ou chmbre avec jardin
2 chambres agenc�es pour... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.casa-santo-stefano.ch ,Casa Santo Stefano ,6986 Miglieglia.
H�tel, motel, pensione ,
Casa Santo Stefano,
Hotel Garni e Centro seminario.
herzlich willkommen
A special atmosphere awaits you at Casa Santo Stefano, a retreat hotel which comprises two residences built in the 18th century. The buildings were tastefully renovated in typical �Tessiner� style.
Casa Uva � the �Grape� house, was originally owned by a local doctor; Casa Erbe, the �Herb� house, was at one time a pastry and bakery shop... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.hotel-milano.ch, Albergo Milano ,
Grossz�gige Zimmer mit Bad, WC, Farbfernseher, Telefon, Mini-Bar, Wireless Internet und Air-Condition sorgen f�r Komfort.
Vorschl�ge aus unserem Angebot
Risotto mit Tr�ffel und Champagner in der Parmesanform 22.- 13.-
Goldbrasse in Papillote 30.- 18.-
Kalbsschnitzel mit Steinpilzen 34.- 21.-
Wer es eilig hat, kann sich in der Pizzeria-Snack die unbestritten beste Pizza aus dem Holzofen zu Gem�te f�hren.
... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.sunrise.ch, Riviera (-Vögtli) , 6815Melide.
H�tel, motel, pensione,
Riviera (-V�gtli)
Luchina Sergio
albergo ristorante. |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.alboccalino.ch Al Boccalino (-Oertle) , 6815Melide.
In unserem kleinen, aber feinen Hotel, das eine Minute vom See
in einem ruhigen G�sschen liegt
finden Sie ausserdem,eine gem�tliche Bar,
eine Sammlung seltener, alter Zapfenzieher
auf der Seeseite eine herrliche Aussicht
und noch so einiges, das Sie aber am besten selbst herausfinden.
wurde schon so manches gem�tliche Fest gefeiert. |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.motellumino.ch , MOTEL-RISTORANTE LUMINO ,6533 Lumino.
Il Motel dispone di 21 camere semplicemente arredate,
dotate di doccia e wc. Alcune dotate di televisione
con sistema satellitare come pure di accessi agevolati
per le persone portatrici di handicap.
Das Motel verf�gt �ber 21 einfach eingerichteten Zimmer mit Dusche und WC, teils mit Satelliten-TV.
2 Rollstuhlg�ngige Zimmer sind ebenfalls vorhanden.
21 chambres avec douche et toilette. Qualques unes sont �quip�es de... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.hotelbellevue.ch , Bellevue au Lac , 6900Lugano.
H�tel, motel, pensione, Bellevue au Lac.
Hotel Bellevue au Lac
Bienvenue!Chambres modernes de charme et de style
Toutes nos chambres arrang�es avec go�t disposent d�un balcon, bain ou douche, TV/radio, minibar, raccordement t�l�phonique avec num�ro personnel, prise Internet et fax ainsi qu�un coffre-fort.
En outre:
riche buffet de petit d�jeuner
parking priv� piscine ext�rieure chauff�e
restaurant "Le Gourmet"
... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.villanizza.com, PARKHOTEL VILLA NIZZA, 6902 Lugano Paradiso.
The Parkhotel Villa Nizza has been built on the foundation walls of a villa in renaissance stile, enlarged and modernized in several periods.The colored stone floor of the small lounge, the stairs in marble of Carrara going up to the first floor, the reliefs outside and many furniture items are testimonies of this era. It is set in a tropical park with solar heated swimming pool, whirlpool, sun terrace and deck chairs under the palm trees. Ping-pong and separate... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.colorado.ch , Colorado-Tavernetta , 6900Lugano.
L'H�tel Colorado, situ� au coeur de Lugano dans un quartier tranquil et ensoleill�, vous offre un service personnalis� et de premier ordre.
34 chambres tout confort: minibar tv, coffre-fort, t�l�phone, prise computer, Public Wireless LAN-Hotspot, s�che- cheveux.
Nouvelles salles pour s�minaires, conf�rences et mini expositions. Service t�l�phone, E-mail, Internet.
Au restaurant grill la TAVERNETTA est servie une cuisine fine,... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.delfinolugano.ch, Delfino, 6900 Lugano.
Situato in posizione privilegiata a pochi passi dalla riva del lago e dalla zona pedonale che porta direttamente nel cuore della citt� di Lugano.
Pi� che un albergo il Delfino si propone come una residenza, dove si viene accolti come un ospite della famiglia.
I proprietari, coniugi Haas, si occupano personalmente dei loro ospiti assistiti da un team di collaboratori cordiali e competenti.
The Hotel Delfino has a privileged location close to the lakeshore... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.leopoldohotel.com, VillaPrincipe Leopoldo & Residence, 6900Lugano.
A Hotel For Gourmet.
Dario Ranza
Executive Chef..
Claudio Recchia
Maitre d'H�tel.
Gabriele Speziale
The Wine Cellar.
Membre des Grandes Tables
de Suisse
Any establishment named "Hotel of the Year" by GaultMillau must also have a "sparkling" cusine.
The "diamond" of the Villa Principe Leopoldo is Dario Ranza, who has been managing the kitchens for 12 years now.
His philosophy is striking: you can rarely avoid classic French... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.splendide.ch, SPLENDIDE ROYAL , 6900 Lugano.
Part of:
Roberto Naldi Hotels
� Grand Hotel Parco dei Principi
Roma Italia
� Splendide Royal
Roma - Italia
� Grand Hotel Eden
Lugano - Svizzera
albergo-ristorante La Veranda piano bar dir. Aniello LAURO.
a member of:
Room information:
Private bathroom with hairdryer, bathrobe and slippers.
Telephone with outside line,
Telefax line,
Private safe,
... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.hotellido-lugano.com , Lido Seegarten , 6900 Lugano.
H�tel, motel, pensione
Lido Seegarten
Fam. Huber Franscini Marco Simona
viale Castagnola 22/24
Hotel completamente ristrutturato nel 1995, dotato di ogni comfort, situato direttamente in riva al lago ed a 10 minuti a piedi dal centro di Lugano, dal Casin� e dal Palazzo dei Congressi dotato di posteggio privato raggiungibile facilmente con i mezzi di trasporto pubblici (bus no. 1 e no.2).
Albergo di 4 stelle conforme a tutte le norme di sicurezza e... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.villa-castagnola.ch, Villa Castagnola au Lac , 6900 Lugano.
Villa Castagnola au Lac, H�tel, motel, pensione
dir. M�ller Peter A. |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.luganet.ch, Diana , 6900 Lugano.
H�tel, motel, pensione,
De Simone Pasquale |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.montarina.ch, Montarina , ,6900 Lugano.
Chambres romantiques avec eau courante situ�es dans la maison principale. Ces chambres sont en parfait �tat de conservation bien que enti�rement restaur�es.
Nouvelles chambres dot�es de tous les conforts: air climatis�e, douche/WC, r�frig�rateur et t�l�vision. Elles repr�sentent sans doute le meilleur rapport qualit�-prix � Lugano.
Chambres dot�es de 4 � 16 lits avec eau courante enti�rement... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.continentalpark, Continental-Parkhotel , 6900 Lugano.
H�tel, motel, pensione,
Edgar Fassbind. |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.europcar.ch,Hotel , 6900 Lugano.
happy to help
Votre totale satisfaction est au coeur de toutes nos pr�occupations. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous travaillons selon les principes "happy to help�:
* Ce sont les besoins de notre client�le qui orientent nos affaires et d�finissent nos prestations. Cette politique nous assure � la fois une ind�pendance financi�re et une croissance constante.
* La langue de nos clients est aussi la n�tre. Nos conditions sont simples et... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.excelsior.ch, Excelsior-Riviera , 6900
Dear Clients,
We have to inform you that the Excelsior Hotel will definitively close on April 30, 2004.
We regret to lose the pleasure to serve you and to enjoy the gratifying personal relationship that developed in so many years at your service.
In order for you not to give up the pleasure of enjoying the beautiful city of Lugano on the occasion of your next staying, allow us to suggest you as an alternative the following hotels, centrally located, which quality we... |
Tessin-Ticino |
www.hotel-international.ch , International auLac, Hotel , 6900 Lugano.
L�albergo in due parole...
L�Hotel International au Lac ***, a gestione familiare dal 1906, � l�unico albergo in centro Lugano sul lungolago con autorimessa sotterranea propria, ristorante, sala conferenze, giardino con piscina e terrazza.
Hotel storico con menzione speciale � la distinzione onorifica conferitaci dall'UNESCO per mano della giuria ICOMOS.
�Granito�, la sala conferenze moderna ed attrezzata � il luogo in centro citta� e... |
Tessin-Ticino |